"Coca de recapte" with Batallé el Único's sausage meat

It's already “dijous llarder” in Catalonia! We celebrate this day with a very common and delicious meal, a salty and savory pastry that has roasted vegetables on top and that cheers everyone up in these dates.



    • Botifarra Batallé el Único
    • Pizza dough
    • Green pepper
    • Red pepper
    • Eggplant
    • Oil
    • Salt


  • STEP 01: Roast the vegetables.
  • STEP 02: Place the strips of the cooked vegetables on top of the spreaded pizza dough.
  • STEP 03: Seal the botifarras, searing it quickly on all sides.
  • STEP 04: Place the botifarras on the pizza dough.
  • STEP 05: Cook it all together in the oven for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees.
  • STEP 06: Serve and enjoy!