
In order to increase the self-sufficiency of its energy resources, CÀRNICA BATALLÉ, S.A. commitment to the generation of energy from local, renewable,

Within the framework of this strategy, it has promoted different actions aimed at reducing energy consumption by improving energy efficiency in buildings, equipment, installations and vehicles (promotion of the circular economy: energy saving, management and reuse of by-products), as well as such as the incorporation of facilities that take advantage of local renewable or residual resources available to cover that consumption.


The objective is to reduce the import of energy from the network, with the consequent reduction of the carbon footprint and mitigation of climate change.


In order to carry out the stated objectives, CÀRNICA BATALLÉ, S.A. has installed photovoltaic solar panels with a nominal power of 1 Gigawatt of the industrial establishment in the municipality of Riudarenes. With this action, the company is committed to a reduction in energy consumption, which, together with the commitment to generate energy through renewable resources, allows the establishment to improve its energy self-sufficiency. This new installation will allow CÀRNICA BATALLÉ to save practically 400 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year. Equivalent to planting 4,700 trees.